Reminder - CDVE2023 paper deadline approaching! - Mallorca, Spain

This is to remind you that the CDVE2023 paper deadline is approaching. 
Long paper (10 pages) deadline is April 15 and short paper (6 pages) is 
April 20. Please be fast! The submission page is

The focus of the conference is "cooperative". Research results 
concerning multiple users, multiple disciplineries, multiple locations, 
multiple units, multiple sensors are within our attention. The major 
areas are in design, visualization, and engineering, and any other 
cooperative applications. The areas include social networks, IoT, sensor 
networks, health care, education etc.  Check our webpage for more.

The proceedings of CDVE2023 will be published by the LNCS - Lecture 
Notes in Computer Science by Springer Nature. It will be indexed by 
ISI(CPCI-S), Web of Science, EI, Scopus, DBLP, ACM Digital Library etc. 
Selected papers will have the opportunity to fully expand to be 
considered in a couple SCI indexed journals.

We look forward to meeting you in Mallorca, Spain!

The 20th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization 
and Engineering
Oct. 1-4, 2023, Mallorca, Spain

Received on Tuesday, 4 April 2023 04:58:25 UTC