Is there a way to self-reference a named graph? [was: Re: Is <> a legal way to self-reference a named graph in a dataset in TriG?]

[Changing the subject line as the subject changed]

> Am 18.09.2022 um 09:15 schrieb Lorenz Buehmann <>:
> Hi,
>> Thank you very much, that answered one part of my question exhaustively! But it doesn’t solve my problem: how would I refer to a named graph in a dataset from inside that named graph without knowing its name? It now seems to me that that’s simply not possible.
> When and why would you not know the name of the named graph? Who is producing the RDF dataset? What means "refer to a named graph inside the named graph"?

You could aks all those questions just as well about the '<>' reference to a document or a dataset, and you’ll find uses of the '<>' self reference often enough "in the wild" to give you an idea of possible use cases. 

> What do you want to achieve?

My use case is rather special - declaring the semantics of a graph from within the graph - and I don’t want discussions if that makes sense to get into the way of discussing the issue at hand.


> Cheers,
> Lorenz
>> Thomas
>>> best
>>>> Best,
>>>> Thomas
>>>> [0] The example glosses over the fact that the rest of this document is not valid RDF. A similar example can be found in the heading of <>
>>> <OpenPGP_0x9D1EDAEEEF98D438.asc>

Received on Sunday, 18 September 2022 09:04:04 UTC