Re: WE3 - qu'est que c'est?

Not as an official standpoint of W3C, but as a member of the W3C team...

> On 20 Oct 2022, at 10:06, Neil McNaughton <> wrote:
> Hello
> I see a lot these days about “Web3” (e.g. which appears to turn around a ‘new’ web based on blockchain technology. I am wondering what the W3C’s stance is on this. Both as a possible usurpation of the W3/Web3 moniker and also as a technology. Is W3C working towards a ‘new generation’ blockchain-based web?


Also, while there are technologies developed at W3C that may use blockchains, but there is no dependency either. Maybe the only "theme" that resonates both around web3 and in some work happening in W3C is the concept of decentralization. But that is fairly vague...

As for the Web3 moniker: W3C does not have any ownership on a term like Web, whether Web1, Web2, or Web3…



> In case you are wondering, my position on blockchain is one of great circumspection not to say skepticism*. Please feel free to share my enquiry with other W3C folks.
> Best regards,
> Neil McNaughton
> 2022 SPE Regional Data Science and Engineering Analytics Award Winner
> Editor Oil IT Journal –
> The Data Room SAS
> 7 Rue des Verrieres
> 92310 Sevres, France
> Landline+33146239596
> Cell+33672712642
> *

Ivan Herman, W3C
mobile: +33 6 52 46 00 43

Received on Thursday, 20 October 2022 09:56:35 UTC