Is purl still supported?

The internet archive started managing the PURL service in 2016.  My PURL
links are still redirecting and I have been able to create new domains and
sub-domains in the last few years.  But sometimes I would get errors and
was unable to create new domains.

In the past, things seemed to work if I waited a week and tried again.
Whenever I've sent an inquiry to the help address listed (*
<>*), I've never gotten an acknowledgment or reply.

Is there a better contact for error-reporting or technical support than for problems with the purl service?

(BTW, I appreciate that the Internet Archive was willing to take over
management of this service.  It's understandable that it's not as important
to the organization as their core services.  But purl is a great resource
for the semantic web community and I would hate to see it become unusable
for new domains.)


Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2021 14:44:03 UTC