RE: Real-time Fact-checking Services and Dialogue Systems

Semantic Web Interest Group,

I expanded upon these thoughts and wrote an article which is available at: .

In my opinion, the democratization of artificial intelligence is important. In these regards, providing real-time fact-checking services for small- and medium-sized dialogue system teams, dialogue system start-ups, is important.

The hyperlinked-to article broaches centralized approaches to real-time fact-checking, one or more machine-utilizable “Wikifact” resources. Such resources could equip dialogue systems with the capability of answering users’ questions about important and contemporary topics – such as topics discussed in the news or in political debates.

There are also decentralized approaches to consider. Services available to dialogue systems could spider a larger number of resources, for instance those making use of schemas to publish news articles and real-time fact-checking to the Web.

Services can be envisioned which interact with a number of machine-utilizable “Wikifact” resources. Services can be envisioned which spider Web resources. Both of these approaches could make use of Semantic Web technologies and there may be other approaches to equipping dialogue systems with real-time fact-checking capabilities.

One of the takeaways from the hyperlinked-to article is that dialogue systems, question answering systems, can postpone responding to users’ questions and then subsequently notify users, via a number of channels, as soon as answers become available. Such systems can also notify users as information updates or whenever previously provided answers change.

Another of the takeaways is that knowledgebase curators, journalists, fact-checkers, and other “Wikifact” users might be interested in dialogue system trends, the aggregation of users’ questions occurring in dialogue contexts, as they can make use of Web search engine trends today.

Best regards,
Adam Sobieski

Received on Wednesday, 11 March 2020 20:54:14 UTC