Re: Blank nodes must DIE! [ was Re: Blank nodes semantics - existential variables?]

On 7/3/20 5:49 PM, bergi wrote:
> I didn't follow the whole discussion [ . . . ] but the RDF 
> model doesn't need a fix at that regard.

It looks like you missed the fact that no such RDF model change was 

On 7/1/20 7:18 AM, David Booth wrote:
 > To my mind, it is about removing blank nodes from the
 > developer experience, so that they don't have to learn or
 > think about them and can work with RDF at a higher level.
 > This MOSTLY translates into eliminating blank node labels.
 > Blank nodes could still exist at the triple level (as object
 > connectors), but like compiled machine code, developers
 > should not have to be exposed to that level.

David Booth

Received on Saturday, 4 July 2020 22:54:18 UTC