Re: A Less Ephemeral Web


I like the idea of a scrapbook and or some sort of visual display board show schema notated objects. For example, it could save webpages ad thumbnails and also put auto-tags the items so that they could be reviewed by topic.

I like the idea of integrating it with a user’s calendar and location. This way user’s could have a daily, weekly, monthly “summary” of what items they saved or viewed. This would also allow them to search their “ideaboard” or “schema space” by date or location. I know I often try to find items I saved and my memory ties them to my spatial and/or temporal setting. It would also allow users to uncover and recognize patterns in their behavior.

I think offering daily and/or event based reminders is helpful in having a person reflect (and thus put into their memory).  Perhaps having a morning and nightly summary where the user is able to provide their own input to further customize their experience would be helpful. It would give ownership to the user’s and also help the machine learning process. It makes a user feel like they are bettering themselves and contributing to the greater good.

I also think finding ways to automate repetitive tasks would be helpful. I know I receive Siri Suggestions for actions that I did not even realize had a pattern.

I think using a custom search function by scheme is incredibly useful too. I know I often use cutom google searches using schemas to find the exact items I am looking for. I also combine these with automation tasks to simplify my life. For example, I often receive promotional and/or security (2fa) messages from companies, which I add to my contacts. However, when I look at my message inbox, I hate seeing empty profile photos. So I have a shortcut that looks for contacts with no picture and then takes the Company names and performs a custom google search query using the image - logo schema.

I think having voice assistants and incorporating music is important in this endeavor too. I have found that it feels like AI can read my mind and help me to reflect on ways to improve by the songs that play in my car and my house.  Combine that with cymatics and I would be in heaven (or at least feel connected to the world and to the technology).

So when is the next conference? I want to learn more, and I would love to share my experience/input.

Best Regards,

Allison Varnell

sent with ♥ from my  iPhone

On Aug 27, 2020, at 4:02 PM, adasal <> wrote:

I think this is relevant.
Last year (it seems such a long time ago) I organised a conference on AI and psychotherapy.
And yes, I did manage to find quite a few speakers able to talk to the topic.
But as I was writing up the material for the website someone who is the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the charity associated with this pointed out that they, according to their charitable purposes, could not be political.
So we weren't - I think.
But this begs the question: what does it mean to be political?
Or not to be political for that matter?
How do you assess "right-leaning" or "left-leaning". Who or what makes that assessment?
It is not possible to rely on logic for this as logic is not parti pris, so it may not lean either way in an argument that is a question of opinion. Logic cannot "know" where to draw the boundary between not the outer boundary of such an assessment.
We decide, possibly in the light of logic, logic does not decide for us.
I think that a lot of the appeal of the current arrangement of biased algorithms is that it happens under the surface, mimicking the way we do not want to think things through.
What is it in what you suggest that will encourage people to think things through and help them with that process?
(Scrapbooks of articles plugged into a classifier could be an interesting diversion, but I don't think it will get us very far.)


On Thu, Aug 27, 2020 6:26 PM, Adam Sobieski<> wrote:

Web users could press or click on a Web browser button to save, note or scrapbook webpages and/or Web-schema-annotated objects in them, storing them for later use. This storage could be organized into folders and Web schema could be of use for sorting webpages and/or objects into these folders. For example, a NewsArticle schema could indicate that, when saved, noted or scrapbooked, Web content could be organized into a folder called “News Articles”.

Webpages and/or objects in them could be stored on users’ local devices or stored on cloud-based storage such as Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive. This could be configurable for end users.

Cloud-based storage and extensible architectures could facilitate the development of apps, plugins and services to analyze the contents of collections of stored webpages to provide features for end users. Some specific examples of analytical services in the news space include: (1) notifying users of the distribution of the sources of their collected articles, (2) notifying users whether their collected articles contain misinformation or disinformation, (3) notifying users whether their collected articles are “left-leaning” or “right-leaning”, (4) indicating to users the distribution of topics in their collected articles, (5) indicating to users sentiment analysis upon their collected articles, (6) indicating to users the comprehensiveness of their news search and gathering processes for a given topic, and (7) providing other features made possible by other AI and natural language processing tools.

Multiple means of navigating collections of stored webpages and/or objects can be envisioned. Users could utilize a calendar-based widget to navigate collections of webpages or objects. Users could also navigate via a folders-based user experience.

Multiple means of searching collections of stored webpages and/or objects can be envisioned, for example searching for content by text strings or keywords.

Thank you. I hope that these ideas are of some interest to you.

Best regards,

Adam Sobieski

Received on Thursday, 27 August 2020 21:30:59 UTC