[CFP] - Deadline Extension- ESWC Workshop on Semantic Web of Things for Industry 4.0 (SWeTI 2018)

International Workshop on Semantic Web of Things for Industry 4.0 (SWeTI

In conjunction with 15th ESWC Conference 2018

June 3rd-7th, 2018, Heraklion, Crete Greece

*Final/Firm Submission Deadline: March 19, 2018*
Web: https://swetiworkshop.wordpress.com

** Aims of the Workshop **
Industry 4.0 refers to the 4th Industrial revolution – the recent trend
of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. To fully
realize the Industry 4.0 vision, manufacturers need to unlock several
capabilities: vertical integration through connected and smart
manufacturing assets of a factory; horizontal integration through
connecting discrete operational systems of a factory; end-to-end
integration through the entire supply chain. In recent technology
advancements in Web of Things (WoT) and Semantic Web (Jointly referred
as Semantic Web of Things) have a promising role to play to address
Industry 4.0 vision. Integration of Semantic Web with WoT
technologies enables communications among heterogeneous Industrial
assets. Semantic Web can be also used to represent manufacturing
knowledge in machine-interpretable way. The semantic modelling
of industrial assets and their service produces unambiguous and
machine-interpretable descriptions and creates interoperability among
assets and their services across domains. This workshop aims to bring
together the different disciplines related to use of Semantic Web of
Things for Industry 4.0 and form an international community to
identify the major challenges and research directions. The workshop is
intended to make the first step in shaping such community and providing
a forum that enables:
- Sharing techniques and experience

- Develop better underlying of the foundation principles of building
Industry 4.0 systems using Semantic Web

- Identifying potential domains and application areas

- Identifying future research directions

** Categories of Papers **

SWeTI 2018 welcomes papers in the following categories:
-    Research papers, presenting original research with industrial case
studies with evaluation of approach or case studies. Research papers are
limited to 15 pages.
-    Position papers, describing ongoing research and future emerging
trends in Industry 4.0 and Semantic Web areas. papers are limited to 6
-    Case studies and experience reports, reporting a real-world case
study of Industry 4.0 and use of Semantic Web. Case studies and
experience reports are limited to 6 pages.
-    Demo papers from academic and industrial environments, ranging from
early prototype to commercialized products, demonstrating advances to
the state of the practices. Papers in this category are limited to 4 pages.

** Topics of Interest **

SWeTI 2018 invites submission covering the following topics (but not
limit itself to):

- Industry 4.0 implementation and real-world case studies
- Challenges, vision, and concepts for Industry 4.0 and Semantic Web
- Semantic frameworks & architectures for interoperability among
Industry 4.0 platforms
- Semantic data models for sensor data representation and integration
for Smart factory domains
- Semantic architectures and middleware for building Industry 4.0
- Semantic techniques using edge & fog computing for Manufacturing scenarios
- Linked Data-based Intelligent Applications for Manufacturing Industries
- Case studies and experience reports on existing open standards (RAMI,
OPC-UA) for Industry 4.0 use cases
- Semantic frameworks for developing Industry 4.0 applications
- Real-time IoT data analytics, data aggregation, data abstraction and
event detection
- Use of Semantic Web in Emerging Industry 4.0 scenarios such as supply
chain, predictive maintenance, asset tracking, logistics

** Important Dates **

Paper submissions: Friday March 19, 2018
Notifications to authors: Friday March 30, 2018
Camera-ready copies: Friday April 13, 2018
Workshop: June 3rd or 4th, 2018

** Submission **

Paper review process will be single-blind (no need to anonymize the
papers).  Every submission will be reviewed by at least two independent
referees. The emphasis will be given more on usefulness and originality.
If accepted, the paper must be presented at the workshop by one of the
authors. All submissions should be formatted according to the style of
the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Accepted papers will be published in online workshop proceedings (e.g.,
CEUR). Organizers will arrange an invited submission for one selected
best paper from workshop proceedings to a special edition of a relevant
Please submit your contributions electronically in PDF format
at:  https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sweti18

** Workshop Chairs **

- Dhavalkumar Thakkar, University of Bradford, UK
- Muhammad Intizar Ali, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUI Galway
- Pankesh Patel, Fraunhofer CESE, USA
- Amit Sheth, Kno.e.sis, Wright State University, Ohio, USA

Received on Thursday, 8 March 2018 11:09:16 UTC