The correct way to define a finite unordered set?

What is the correct way to describe a finite unordered set (listing all
its elements)?

Should I use rdf:Bag?


    s:students [
        a rdf:Bag;
        rdf:_1 <>;
        rdf:_2 <>;
        rdf:_3 <>;
        rdf:_4 <>;
        rdf:_5 <>.

Wouldn't it be better like the following (with some namespace rdfx
which is not defined by the standards)?

    s:students [
        a rdfx:Bag;
        rdfx:Element <>;
        rdfx:Element <>;
        rdfx:Element <>;
        rdfx:Element <>;
        rdfx:Element <>.

The first example contains unnecessary for unordered set position
numbers. The second example seems more reasonable.

What it the right way?

Received on Saturday, 28 October 2017 17:40:01 UTC