Automatic transformation of XML namespaces (preliminary specification draft release)

I've released the first draft of "Automatic transformation of XML namespaces" which makes sense to read.

>From the draft:

[[This is a preliminary rough draft. There may be errors, omissions, and logical inconsistency. There should be added more examples, and more explanation.]]

But I think this draft is already readable and it is ready for reading by developers for the purpose to comment.

My draft is located at a wiki site at the URL:

>From the draft:

[[This research project aims to write a specification for software which automatically transforms XML documents from some namespaces to some other namespaces, for this using RDF resources (describing namespaces and transformations) possibly located at namespace URLs.

Victor Porton is going to write software implementing this specification in Ada programming language.]]

It should process such cases as XInclude, XLink, etc. as well as many possible XML macroses and other constructs. I consider it as THE future replacement of modern Web dominated by mess like HTML.

By the way, this new way of using XML may help to solve the issue of publishing scientific literature with XML discusses in this mailing list (as well as many other XML use cases).

Now I call you to read my draft and comment what you think about it. If you don't understand me, don't hesitate to ask me.

I am going to implement this as an Ada program. (Right now my Ada compiler fails with an exception in the compiler itself, so I have paused work at this project.)

One more trouble: My draft is released at CC-BY-SA 3.0 License and the GFDL. I am not sure whether we will be able to move this to W3C and/or IETF specifications or RFCs. Would you advise me to move away from Wikiversity wiki site to some other media because of licensing issues (It is not yet to late as I am the only contributor at the moment and can move it to any other license by my free choice.)

After we resolve this licensing issue, I call you to contribute to the wiki, it is an open standard after all.

Again: I request you for comments.

Victor Porton -

Received on Monday, 6 October 2014 20:39:42 UTC