Re: The upcoming user interface "Dizmo" and the Semantic Web, any Ideas?

Hi Adam

adasal wrote:
> Droplets was the other one that I was thinking of.
> So the q. is how is this different to previous attempts.

I don't know about droplets, but Dizmo is focusing on the UI 
aspect, on the shiny things so to say. They are also looking for various 
displays to use their software on, for example meeting room tables, 
large screens, tablets, projectors, etc. In my opinion, their focus is 
more on usability and hardware than on superior architectures and 
software platforms. But we will see what they come up with in the next 
few months.

> Also the business model is not clear from kickstarter.
> We get access to an SDK, what does that mean in terms of code
> ownership and service hosting?
> Where is money being made?
> There are other players in the space with varying degrees of
> componentisation.

Honestly, I can not comment on this, because I don't have enough 
information to see through most of that myself. But please feel free to 
contact Dizmo directly or ask on Kickstarter.

Also, you mentioned secure connections and WebID. Rest assured, they 
know about them. How the current implementation looks like, I do not 
know. But I'll ask on Kickstarter.


Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2014 22:17:34 UTC