Re: RDF Thrift : A binary format for RDF data

On 18/08/14 07:53, Axel Polleres wrote:
> On 18 Aug 2014, at 08:50, Axel Polleres <> wrote:
>> Hi Andy,
>> This looks very interesting! Any thoughts already on how this relates to/could be combined with HDT [1,2]?

Summary: they have the word "binary" in common.

That's about it.  They are just different things for different usages.

How much is HDT used for real?  By whom?  I couldn't find HDT files.

> Sorry, overlooked the later mail in this thread... will check. The p.s. below still holds, though. ;-)

W3C has strengths and weaknesses.

It is good as a place to combine different/related/competing work; it is 
good when there is a need and no answer on the table.

It is bad at formalising a single existing (small) peice of technology. 
  WG add features as compromises.  If the focus is small, a lot of extra 
cruft can get added, a lot of other agendas piggyback on the WG (see the 
shapes WG as a good example of this effect).

I think it is better for the community to refine something as simple as 
RDF Thrift.  Implementation is of the order of 100 lines of code + a 
thrift compiler (that someone else wrote - Thrift is big in Big Data).

(I happened to also rewire bits Jena to be streaming - I'm intersted in 
scalable processing ATM.  Must of the Jena "implementation" is nothing 
to do RDF Thrift - it's a bunch of reworking internals for stream 
processing that have been on the cards for a while now.)


>> best regards,
>> Axel
>> p.s.: BTW, personally, I think it would be great to think about whether binary, efficient encodings
>> for RDF and similar formats would have a space for standardization in W3C.
>> 1.
>> 2.
>> --
>> Prof. Dr. Axel Polleres
>> Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
>> url:  twitter: @AxelPolleres
>> On 15 Aug 2014, at 16:19, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
>>> RDF Binary using Apache Thrift
>>> This is a binary format for RDF graphs, datasets and SPARQL result sets that is fast to process. [1]
>>> includes the on-the-wire description as well as an implementation.
>>> Using Apache Thrift makes it considerably less work to integrate into existing systems and toolkits, or to build custom processing. [2]
>>> 	Comments and feedback welcome,
>>> 	Andy
>>> [1] The largest gain is on reading data, with rates x3 faster than parsing N-Triples.
>>> [2] Apache thrift has a large number of implementations across a range of languages:

Received on Monday, 18 August 2014 08:46:11 UTC