Re: SemWeb in use reviews

Dear Norman,

Great article. Reads very well. One general comment would be that for
novice semantic web users it would be hard to tell the differences
between semantic web and linked data after reading this. Actually I
think this is a problem with the entire community... one practically
mentions 'semantic web' to describe linked data and it's hard to tell
the difference. Perhaps a stronger differentiation can be made by
describing that the semantic web is more the vision where linked data
is more of an implementation of that vision? Anyway this is more of a
community issue :)

For the in use stuff, perhaps take a look at the semantic web journal.
They have a section for describing datasets in use:


On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 5:14 PM, Norman Gray <> wrote:
> Greetings.
> Can anyone point me towards published reviews of Semantic Web take-up / penetration / establishment, or other documented variants of 'semantic web in use'?
> I'm writing a book chapter about the Semantic Web, included in a book intended to be of use to archivists and information management types.  It therefore covers the general idea of the SemWeb, its continuity with the textual web, a brief overview of the technologies, and some indication of why all this matters.
> Trying to wrap up the last point, I find myself writing (approximately) that the SW isn't as visible as the textual web, and probably won't ever become so, but that it is -- right now -- deployed and adding value.  Most of these deployments, however, are in 'back office' applications, or adding value to other systems. That argument is true, I believe, but would be more convincing if I could point to further reading.  However I can't, except in a rather hand-wavy way.  And even if I wrote 'it's used in project X or system Y', such a decontextualised remark is both barely helpful and likely to date quickly.  I do of course have a section on LD, framed as 'semantic web light, in practice'.
> Looking through old messages on this list, and on public-lod, I see lots of incidental indications of 'added value' from SW technology, in both academic and commercial contexts, and I see regular CfP announcements for 'semantic web in use' conference tracks.  But nothing discursive and citable.
> Any suggestions?  Articles, conference papers, FP7 review deliverables?
> (And if anyone's interested in the text, I've put a late draft *temporarily* at <>, and would be most interested to have comments. There are a couple of paragraphs I'm still rather unhappy with, but I need to get this finished by the end of the week).
> Best wishes,
> Norman
> --
> Norman Gray  :
> SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2014 16:14:06 UTC