Re: RDF/A in the wild?

On 08/13/2013 06:52 AM, Stéphane Corlosquet wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 12:13 PM, Kendall Shaw < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     There seems to be no activity on the more public list. I hope this
>     is not an inappropriate question.
>     I probably have a fundamental misunderstanding but, where can I
>     see RDF/A being used on a web page and resulting in the data being
>     used to produce detailed search results in a search engine. The
>     point being a real world actual use of RDF/A, not an example of
>     how to use RDF/A.
> A few random examples:
> Event: (Rich snippet 
> review <>, live search result <>)
> Person: (Rich Snippet 
> preview <>, live search result <>)
> Recipe: (Rich 
> Snippet review <>, live search result 
> <>)
> (search for 'schema:' in the HTML source)
>     If I look on the goodrelations website, there are examples of
>     marking up web pages with microdata or rdf/a but the pages
>     themselves do not use microdata or rdf/a. Or, I am looking in the
>     wrong place.
>     Another example, if I search for best buy, for example, in google,
>     I see detailed search results, but I see no microdata or RDF/A
>     anywhere that I have looked there.
> If no RDFa or microdata is found, often search engines will try to 
> extract some data using some proprietary heuristics or microformats.
> Steph.

Thank you. With the person search, I can see where the data comes from 
that google is returning in search results. The site searches are 
accompanied by a google ad for the webmaster structured data tool, hehe.

It is disconcerting that if I try to show someone the value of adding 
metadata to html, I can't simply do a search and show them how the 
details are coming from metadata. In nearly all searches that I have 
done to test this, I can find no corresponding metadata on the page.


Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2013 15:04:22 UTC