Modeling over-riding inheritance in a triple store

Is is possible to implement an inheritance hierarchy in a SPARQL query?
In other words, is it possible to select all from a parent type, but
overriding from a child type wherever an entry exists?

I.e., given this data:
	ex:parent001  	rdf:type  	ex:"Parent"
			ex:widgetName	ex:"test"
			ex:hasChild	ex:"child001"
	ex:child001	ex:widgetName	ex:"over-ridden widget".

Can I craft a select {?s ?p ?o} that will leave out the link between
parent and child, yet return the over-ridden values of the predicates?
i.e., that will return:
	ex:parent001  	rdf:type  	ex:"Parent"
			ex:widgetName	ex:"over-ridden widget".



Received on Thursday, 2 August 2012 20:54:52 UTC