New RDF Working Group Starting

Hi all,

The new W3C RDF working group [1] will start meeting next Wednesday, 16 February.  The charter is available at [2], which details the activities that the group will take over the next two years.

The working group is chaired by Guus Schreiber and myself.  Ivan Herman and Sandro Hawke are the W3C team contacts.

Interested parties may join the working group if their organizations are W3C members.  The working group may invite other experts to join, depending on the needs of the group.  Please see [1] if interested in joining.

The W3C process is transparent and we encourage interested members of the community to monitor our activities.  The public-rdf-wg mailing list [3] will record most of our working discussions.  Members of the public are encouraged to comment on topics related to working group activities via the public-rdf-comment mailing list [4].


[1] RDF WG:
[2] Charter:

Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2011 17:04:45 UTC