Re: SPARQL 1.1: functions?

On 2010-10-04, at 16:39, Ivan Shmakov wrote:

>>>>>> Steve Harris <> writes:
>>>>>> On 2010-10-01, at 18:28, Ivan Shmakov wrote:
> […]
>>> SELECT ( fn:concat(?G, " ", ?S) AS ?name )
> […]
>>> It makes me wonder, is there a way to introduce new values in the
>>> CONSTRUCTed graph?
>> Yes, You can use that projected value in your construct, using a sub
>> query:
>> CONSTRUCT { [] :name ?name }
>> WHERE {
>> { SELECT ( fn:concat(?G, " ", ?S) AS ?name ) ... }
>> }
> 	Thanks!  Somehow, I've missed subqueries altogether when
> 	scanning through the specification.
> 	(Unfortunately, Rasqal doesn't seem to fully implement SPARQL
> 	1.1 as of yet.)
> 	One more question: the SPARQL 1.1 specification frequently
> 	refers to XPath.  However, nowhere I see it stated in clear,
> 	which XPath functions are to be provided by a compliant SPARQL
> 	implementation.  Neither I see a requirement for such an
> 	implementation to provide all the functions.  Could this issue
> 	be clarified, please?

The only required ones are the ones listed in the document, §11.4 in the 1.0 rec. There are some more going into the 1.1 draft though.

- Steve

Steve Harris, CTO, Garlik Limited
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+44 20 8439 8203
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Received on Tuesday, 5 October 2010 16:12:56 UTC