Call for Participation: 4th International Workshop on Ontology Dynamics (IWOD-10)

Dear all:

please consider participating in the 4th International Workshop on Ontology
Dynamics (IWOD-10), that will take place on November 8, 2010, as part of the
9th International Semantic Web Conference, in Shangai, China.

Details on the workshop appear below.

[apologies for multiple copies]

                 Call for Participation
4th International Workshop on Ontology Dynamics 

Workshop Description and Motivation
Ontologies constitute one of the main pillars of the Semantic Web and of
semantic applications. As ontologies model dynamic environments (e.g.,
e-science ontologies), they are often subject to change. The support for
dynamicity is one of the core ontology management problems and has many
facets, being dealt with in different fields, like ontology evolution,
ontology versioning and others.
Following previous successful organizations (as part of ESWC-07, ISWC-08 and
ISWC-09), IWOD has established itself as the core annual event to discuss
advances in the broad area of ontology dynamics, and to track recent work
directly or indirectly related to the problem of evolving ontologies. The
goal of the 4th International Workshop on Ontology Dynamics (IWOD-10) is to
bring together researchers and students working on the fields of ontology
evolution, revision, merging and versioning, as well as people from the
industry conducting activities (applications, case studies) that involve the
dynamic aspects of ontologies. Our aim is to trigger discussions and allow
interested researchers, students and practitioners to present and discuss
recent advances related to these fields. Both theoretical research works as
well as works describing implemented systems or tools are welcome.

Topics of Interest
We are interested on all topics related to ontology dynamics, including
original theoretical work on the issues involved directly or indirectly with
change as well as applications or implemented systems related to such
issues. We are particularly (but not exclusively) interested in the
following topics: 
- Ontology evolution
- Ontology versioning
- Ontology merging
- Formal aspects of ontology dynamics
- Foundational issues
- Language extensions for evolution
- Belief revision for ontologies
- Inconsistency/incoherency/invalidity in evolving ontologies
- Change propagation in ontologies and metadata
- Ontologies for dynamic environments
- Dynamic knowledge construction and exploitation
- Engineering evolvable ontologies
- Requirements for ontology evolution
- Case studies in ontology evolution
- Tools to support ontology evolution
- Applications with dynamic ontologies
- Open problems

Workshop Venue and Format
The workshop will take place in Shangai, China, as part of the ISWC-10
conference ( on November 8, 2010.
IWOD-10 will be a half-day morning workshop with 5 regular paper
presentations. It will also feature an invited talk by Zhisheng Huang.

Organizing Committee
Giorgos Flouris	(
Guilin Qi 	(

IWOD Series Steering Committee
Grigoris Antoniou
Mathieu d'quin
Giorgos Flouris
Jeff Z. Pan
Dimitris Plexousakis

Program Committee
Grigoris Antoniou
Alessandro Artale
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles
Mathieu d'Aquin
Giuseppe De Giacomo
James Delgrande
Peter Haase
Nathalie Hernandez
Zhisheng Huang
Diana Maynard
Thomas Meyer
Enrico Motta
Natasha Noy
Jeff Z. Pan
Dimitris Plexousakis
Chantal Reynaud
Marcio Moretto Ribeiro
Marta Sabou
Ljiljana Stojanovic
Shenghui Wang
Renata Wassermann

Received on Tuesday, 2 November 2010 07:17:50 UTC