Re: [pedantic-web] The OWL Ontology URI

Funny, I noticed this over the weekend as well. I was testing a few
different ontologies, OWL was the only one I saw that was defined like this.


2010/5/5 Niklas Lindström <>

> Hi all,
> how come the OWL Ontology itself is defined as
> <>, and not
> <>? The latter (hash URI, ending in "#")
> is linked to, via rdfs:isDefinedBy, for all classes and properties,
> but the former is the resource described as the owl:Ontology.
> Is this really intentional? It seems to conflate the document and the
> ontology. And ontologies aren't considered to be information
> resources, are they? Neither classes and properties are, nor is the
> thing linked to via isDefinedBy (itself not described further in the
> document).
> Also notice that neither RDF nor RDFS are described like this -- they
> both use the hash URI as identifier for the Ontology (also linked to
> with rdfs:isDefinedBy from their classes/properties).
> Best regards,
> Niklas

Received on Wednesday, 5 May 2010 20:04:13 UTC