CFP: 3rd Workshop on Collective Intelligence in Semantic Web and Social Networks @ WI 2010

[Apologies for cross-posting]

3rd Workshop on Collective Intelligence in Semantic Web and Social 
Networks (CISWSN 2010)

co-located with IEEE/WIC/ACM Joint International Conference on Web 
Intelligence and
Intelligent Agent Technology 2010, Toronto, Canada, Aug. 31 - Sept. 3, 2010

The Semantic Web is slowly evolving towards its original vision of a 
Linked Web of Data,
in which the machines are able to interpret and exchange knowledge, 
acting as proxy agents
on behalf of human. Even so, the Linked Data Web maintains a large 
human-driven side,
characterized by intensive collaboration, cooperation and knowledge 
processing activities,
that lead to emerging complex social and economical networks. Various 
knowledge processing
techniques are being used to address data portability and Web 
information discovery problems.
Collective intelligence is a key issue to collaboratively share and 
generate knowledge.
Many Web 2.0 (or 3.0) platforms (e.g., blogs and wikis) have been 
developed to exchange
meaningful information and support user-centered tasks on a variety of 
domains (e.g.,
e-learning, e-commerce, and e-government). Local knowledge is annotated 
into a large
repositories of content including not only simple documents but also 
multimedia data. As
an example, collaborative tagging (e.g., still plays an 
important role in
knowledge (or information) sharing between people on social networks. 
Modeling the
dynamics and evolution of such complex networked systems, involving 
knowledge processing
with intelligent information agents acting on behalf of thousands of 
users, is a promising
research area with many practical applications.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and 
practitioners in areas of
knowledge and intelligence, semantics, agents and grid computing to 
share their visions,
research achievements and solutions as well as to establish worldwide 
cooperative research
and development. At the same time, we want to provide a platform for 
discussing research
topics underlying the concepts of Social Semantics for the Linked Web of 
Data by inviting
members of different communities that share this common interest of 
social semantic
collaborative intelligence on the web:

* Semantic Web researchers developing and using social semantic 
techniques for modeling
  collaboration and intelligence on the Web,
* Complex Social Network researchers building static, dynamic and 
prediction models of
  complex networks and developing new nature-inspired network analysis 
* Linked Data researchers providing means for publishing and using 
Linked Open Data on
  the Web, and
* The Intelligent Agents community that develop agents and algorithms 
for collaboration
  and intelligence on the Web.

This will give an opportunity to push further the discussion upon the 
potential of social
semantic collaborative intelligence across these communities.


* Semantic and knowledge grids
* Social semantics for Collective Intelligence
* Online Social Networks on the Web
* Collective Intelligence - Collaborative tagging, bookmarking and 
annotation on Web 2.0
* Collaborative filtering and personalization
* Community mining techniques
* Mining and analysis of social semantic data
* Querying social semantic data
* Trend and pattern detection from social semantic data
* Creation and simulation of artificial societies from social semantic data
* Intelligent agents for harvesting and processing social semantic data
* Linked Data on the Social Semantic Web
* Applications and tools using Social Semantic Web technologies
* Dynamical processes on collective behavior in complex social networks
* Models and methods for dynamic network analysis


Paper submission deadline: April 16, 2010
Notification of paper acceptance: June 7, 2010
Camera-ready of accepted papers: June 21, 2010


Krzysztof Juszczyszyn, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Tudor Groza, DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Katarzyna Musial, Bournemouth University, UK
Siegfried Handschuh, DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland


Potential participants are invited to submit full papers, not exceeding 
4 pages in
length, using the IEEE Computer Society's 2-column conference 
proceedings format.
A maximum of one additional page can be included, but is subject to a 
on the conference registration fee. The formatting instructions and author
guidelines can be found at

The manuscripts should be submitted electronically using the WI-IAT 2010 
electronic submission system:


Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by the 
IEEE Computer
Society Press that is indexed by EI.

The workshop will be part of the events of the WI-IAT 2010 conference. 
There is no
separate workshop registration fee. The conference fee includes 
attendance to any
and all workshops.

Received on Tuesday, 16 March 2010 09:20:56 UTC