Re: Subjects as Literals, [was Re: The Ordered List Ontology]

On 30 June 2010 21:14, Pat Hayes <> wrote:

> On Jun 30, 2010, at 1:30 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>  Nathan wrote:
>>> Pat Hayes wrote:
>>>> On Jun 30, 2010, at 6:45 AM, Toby Inkster wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 30 Jun 2010 10:54:20 +0100
>>>>> Dan Brickley <> wrote:
>>>>>> That said, i'm sure sameAs and differentIndividual (or however it is
>>>>>> called) claims could probably make a mess, if added or removed...
>>>>> You can create some pretty awesome messes even without OWL:
>>>>>   # An rdf:List that loops around...
>>>>>   <#mylist> a rdf:List ;
>>>>>       rdf:first <#Alice> ;
>>>>>       rdf:next <#mylist> .
>>>>>   # A looping, branching mess...
>>>>>   <#anotherlist> a rdf:List ;
>>>>>       rdf:first <#anotherlist> ;
>>>>>       rdf:next <#anotherlist> .
>>>> They might be messy, but they are *possible* structures using pointers,
>>>> which is what the RDF vocabulary describes.  Its just about impossible to
>>>> guarantee that messes can't happen when all you are doing is describing
>>>> structures in an open-world setting. But I think the cure is to stop
>>>> thinking that possible-messes are a problem to be solved. So, there is dung
>>>> in the road. Walk round it.
>>> Could we also apply that to the 'subjects as literals' general discussion
>>> that's going on then?
>>> For example I've heard people saying that it encourages bad 'linked data'
>>> practise by using examples like { 'London' a x:Place } - whereas I'd
>>> immediately counter with { x:London a 'Place' }.
>>> Surely all of the subjects as literals arguments can be countered with
>>> 'walk round it', and further good practise could be aided by a few simple
>>> notes on best practise for linked data etc.
>> IMHO an emphatic NO.
>> RDF is about constructing structured descriptions where "Subjects" have
>> Identifiers in the form of Name References (which may or many resolve to
>> Structured Representations of Referents carried or borne by Descriptor
>> Docs/Resources). An "Identifier" != Literal.
> What ARE you talking about? You sound like someone reciting doctrine.
> Literals in RDF are just as much 'identifiers' or 'names' as URIs are. They
> identify their value, most clearly and emphatically. They denote in exactly
> the same way that URIs denote. "23"^^xsd:number   is about as good an
> identification of the number twenty-three as you are ever likely to get in
> any notational system since ancient Babylonia.

You can also do this:

> Pat Hayes
>> If you are in a situation where you can't or don't want to mint an HTTP
>> based Name, simply use a URN, it does the job.
>>> Best,
>>> Nathan
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Kingsley Idehen       President & CEO OpenLink Software     Web:
>> Weblog:<>
>> Twitter/ kidehen
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Received on Wednesday, 30 June 2010 19:23:08 UTC