CIAO2010 - Second Workshop on Context, Information and Ontologies

CALL FOR PAPERS - Workshop on Context, Information and Ontologies  CIAO 2010 
Co-located with EKAW 2010  11th to 15th October 2010 

Website:  <> 

Submissions:  <> 


Submission deadline:    June 30 
Authors notified:               July 28 
Camera-ready version    August 18 
Workshop                October 11 or 15 

CIAO2010 is concerned with the relationship between context, information and ontologies.  Papers are invited on all aspects of the relationship between context, information and ontologies.  

Understanding context is crucial to delivering the right information, in the right format, at the right time, and in turn to enhancing the productivity of knowledge work.  Meanwhile, ontologies can be used to describe context; whilst in some cases context may influence the interpretation of a particular ontology.

As well as the typical context-aware applications in ubiquitous and ambient intelligent systems, the notion of context has special relevance in relation to the interaction of context and user activity, and in particular, the influence and role of context in knowledge processes. Thus, a context-aware environment may analyze and detect the user's current work through observations, understand and learn what he does, relate user actions to available resources, and support the user with suggestions. 

This workshop will consider all the research challenges related to representing, managing, using and learning contextual information, bringing together researchers interested in the use of context for information delivery and the role of context in knowledge processes.

Specific current key research topics, which are relevant for CIAO2010 include but are not limited to: 

*	Ontologies and frameworks for describing and managing user context 

*	The application of context in relation to processes 

*	The application of context to the identification of tacit knowledge 

*	Techniques for learning context through an analysis of user interaction. 

*	The interaction of context and user personalization 

*	Visualization tools for context 

*	Context usage in applications 

*	Techniques for measuring the value and effectiveness of context management 

The use of context is also seen as of great practical importance.  Therefore, whilst the workshop will consider theoretical issues, there will be a particular encouragement for papers relating to practical implementations.  The workshop will be of interest both to researchers in industry and academia.

There will be three categories of papers: 

*	Regular papers of up to 15 pages 

*	Position papers of up to 8 pages 

*	Demo papers, also of up to 8 pages, and associated with a live demo at the workshop 

All submissions should indicate into which category they fall. 

N.B.  The workshop is organised in association with EKAW ( <>  In order to register for CIAO2010, it is also necessary to register for EKAW 2010.

Received on Monday, 21 June 2010 21:26:12 UTC