Re: An idea I need help with, or told to stop wasting time on!

On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 9:44 PM, Nathan <> wrote:

> so are we saying that all of these express the same:
> :me foaf:name 'nathan'^^xsd:string .
:me foaf:name [
  owl:sameAs 'nathan'^^xsd:string .
] .

this two mean the same

:me foaf:name [
>   xsd:string 'nathan' .
> ] .

this should mean the same, but while not illegal the specs do not define the
meaning clearly

> :me foaf:name [
>   rdf:value 'nathan'^^xsd:string .
> ] .
I find it hard to communicate using a term that "has no meaning on its own"
(accoring to:

> :me foaf:name :myname .
> :myname xsd:string 'nathan' .

> :me foaf:name :myname .
> :myname owl:sameAs 'nathan'^^xsd:string .
these two graphs are equivalent and entail the original graph, additional
they assign the uri :myname to the name

> :me foaf:name :myname .
> :myname rdf:value 'nathan'^^xsd:string .
meaningless rdf:value again

> ?
> I can see the rdf:value and owl:sameAs versions expressing the same, unsure
> about the xsd:string version..
> what about..
> :London rdfs:label [ rdf:value "London"@en, "Londres"@fr, "Лондон"@ru ].
clearly owl:samesAs couldn't be used here, and a label is usually a literal
and not a multivalued object

> or..
> :London rdfs:label
>        [ rdf:value "London"@en ] ,
>        [ rdf:value "Londres"@fr ] ,
>        [ rdf:value "Лондон"@ru ] .

 :London rdfs:label "London"@en, "Londres"@fr, "Лондон"@ru.


Received on Sunday, 6 June 2010 20:15:24 UTC