CfP: ICDEM 2010 Second International Conference on Data Engineering and Management

ICDEM 2010: Second International Conference on Data Engineering and
Management, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, India.

The second ICDEM conference addresses research issues in modeling,
designing, building, managing, and evaluating advanced data-intensive
systems, applications and technologies. It is a growing forum for
academicians, researchers, developers, students and users to explore
innovative ideas and to exchange techniques, tools, and their experiences.
We invite the submission of original research contributions and industrial
papers in all areas of data, information and knowledge in general.

ICDEM 2010 will be held at Bishop Heber College which is a pioneer
non-profit Christian higher educational Institution and is located in
Tiruchirappalli, India. Tiruchirappalli is one of the ancient cities of
Tamil nadu which is known for Rockfort, a famous castle then converted into
a temple and many other attractions.

Submission Guidelines

All submissions in PDF must be prepared in Springer LNCS style (, failing which
the paper will not be considered for review. Research and industrial paper
submissions are limited to 8 pages. A paper submitted to ICDEM 2010 cannot
be under review for any other conference or journal during the entire time
it is considered for ICDEM2010, and it must be substantially different from
any previously published papers. Submissions are reviewed in a double-blind
manner. Send your papers in PDF to

All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by a leading
publisher with ISBN number. The best papers from the presented papers will
be selected for extended versions to be published in Springer CCIS series
(approval pending) and selected journals as special issue.

Important Dates

Abstract submission due: 15 April, 2010
Full paper submissions due: 20 April 2010
Notification of authors: 20 May 2010
Camera Ready and registration due: 25 May 2010
Conference dates: 29-30, July 2010

General Chair

M. Marcus Diepen Boominathan (Principal, Bishop Heber College, India)

Program Chairs

Rajkumar Kannan (Bishop Heber College, India)
Frederic Andres (CVCE, Lexumbourg)

Program Committee

Mária Bieliková, Slovak U of Tech, Slovakia
Christian Guetl, IICM, TU-Graz, Austria
Klaus Meyer Wagener, U of Erlangan, Germany
Joemon Jose, U of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Krishna Chandramouli, Queen Mary, London
Pit. Pichappan, U of Zululand, South Africa
Michael May, TU-Denmark, Denmark
Sidhu Sudarsan, FDA, USA
Vive Kumar, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Vanessa Chang, Curtin Univ. of Tech Australia
Martin Wolpers, Katholieke Universiteit, Belgium
Paulo Sampaio, U da Madeira, Portugal
Samir Abou El-Seoud, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Mathias Lux Alpen-Adria Universität, Austria
Marc Spaniol, Universität zu Köln, Germany
Khaddaj Souheil, Kingston Uinversity, London
Miguel Vega Rodriguez,U of Extremadura, Spain
B. Ramadoss, NIT-Tiruchirappalli, India
Daisy Jacobs, U of Zululand, South Africa
S.R. Balasundaram, NIT-Tiruchirappalli, India
Masoud Mohammadian, U of Canberra, Australia
(List incomplete)

For further details, contact

Dr. Rajkumar Kannan
Program Chair – ICDEM 2010

Received on Tuesday, 19 January 2010 12:43:53 UTC