Re: a list of companies active in the semantic technology area

On 2010-12-23, at 11:44, Martin Hepp wrote:

> Hi Hugh,
>> However, there is no link from the main page.
>> You might want to add to the instructions to add the
>> <link rel="meta" type="application/rdf+xml" title="RDF/XML data for Franz Inc." href="/goodrelations.rdf" />
>> to it.
>> (I know that RDFa is preferred, but some CMS systems barf at trying to do it, as ours did.)
>> So the quickest way for us is to add the standalone file and the link rel, which I understand is an acceptable structure.
> I cannot check it right now due to a lack of reliable Internet connection, but there should be a link to
> somewhere on the results page of the tool that explains the link / meta approach.
> Note, however: We tried three generations of form-based annotation tools for GoodRelations data, and most non-academic users are either lacking skills or privileges (or both) to properly publish GoodRelations data in RDF/XML as files, so we really now recommend RDFa in "empty" div elements as the default mechanism for publishing RDF data.

I've just done that on, which was possible because it has a relatively simple content management system (just some PHP classes in a Git tree, which I could hack), and it happened to already be in XHTML. It took about 30 mins. On a high volume corporate homepage, with layers of caching, and complex CMS systems it would have been a lot harder.

> Most site owners failed to publish the goodrelations.rdf file properly or did not publish it at all, while the "RDFa snippet style" approach has drastically increased the ratio of actually deployed content.

That was quite surprising to me. I just did a quick unscientific poll of some companies I buy products from, and a surprising number of them (around 50%) are indeed using XHTML. Interesting.

- Steve

Steve Harris, CTO, Garlik Limited
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Received on Thursday, 23 December 2010 13:35:39 UTC