Re: More information about XMLified, HTML

When you say '...and turning HTML pages into valid XML is not something
addressed by the semantic web' I am not sure what you mean. What is the
'semantic web' here?
I think it is addressed by a python tool here

and there must be other tools, too, but I don't have references to hand.

Generally the problem is referred to as Lifting, although this is restricted
to XML --> RDF and RDF --> some expressive representation of the semantics
contained. So XML --> RDFa would be an example.
This leaves the problem of HTML --> XML. I'm not sure that HTMLtidy will get
all the way here though.
I haven't used semantic fire but is should be capable of the task.



On 11 December 2010 06:27, Antoine Zimmermann <> wrote:

> XMLified is not an existing word. I used it as I could have said RDFising
> data or SPARQLising queries or whatever. The meaning is exactly what Nathan
> said, that is, something that is turned into valid XML. For HTML pages, it
> can be done by using HTML Tidy. It is not a semantic web term and turning
> HTML pages into valid XML is not something addressed by the semantic web.
> AZ.
> Le 11/12/2010 00:20, Nathan a écrit :
>  Kamler Hammez wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'am a bit lost and finding few documents, but what could be a simple
>>> definition of XMLified with HTML pages? And what are relationships
>>> that may exisit between both?
>> Could you give some background on why you're asking the question?
>> XMLified isn't a usual term to hear around the semantic web space
>> (perhaps I'm wrong) - my immediate thought is:
>> XMLified = something thing that has been turned in to valid XML
>> XMLified HTML = XHTML
>> However, I'm unsure what that has to do with the semantic web or why
>> you're asking?
>> Hoping to help more,
>> Best,
>> Nathan

Received on Sunday, 12 December 2010 15:35:34 UTC