Re: More information about XMLified, HTML

Hi Nathan,

Refer to this link:

And yes it isn't a usual term to hear more often in the semantic web,
according I started not long ago with semantic web its first time I heard
about it. Thanks for response though.


2010/12/11 Nathan <>

> Kamler Hammez wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'am a bit lost and finding few documents, but what could be a simple
>> definition of XMLified with HTML pages? And what are relationships
>> that may exisit between both?
> Could you give some background on why you're asking the question? XMLified
> isn't a usual term to hear around the semantic web space (perhaps I'm wrong)
> - my immediate thought is:
>  XMLified = something thing that has been turned in to valid XML
>  XMLified HTML = XHTML
> However, I'm unsure what that has to do with the semantic web or why you're
> asking?
> Hoping to help more,
> Best,
> Nathan

Kamler  Hammez

Received on Friday, 10 December 2010 23:44:10 UTC