Re: Asking about tools for RDF visualization

Hi Miao,

Some vizualization tools that you can use are:

   - RDF-Gravity -
   - IsaViz -
   - Welkin -

Hope you help!

Best Regards,


 M.Sc. Student of Computer Science Department
 Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO)
 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2010/12/2 Miao Chen <>

> Hi,
> I am a PhD student and am working on a scientific metadata project. We
> would like to visualize some RDF data and I'm looking for a tool for this
> task. Basically I'd like to find r some toolkits that can take into RDF data
> and outputs visualized graph or other formats of the input data. I wonder if
> there's such a tool or I need to program something? I found there's a
> release of Raptor on this list, which can be used for parsing RDF and
> further employed in data visualization. I'm not sure if people usually do it
> in this way or there's a tool just for visualization purpose?
> I'd really appreciate any of your suggestions and references to resources.
> Thank you very much!
> Best,
> Miao
> -----------------------------------------------
> Miao Chen
> Ph.D. Candidate
> School of Information Studies
> Syracuse University

Received on Friday, 3 December 2010 00:00:23 UTC