**** Last Call **** ISWC2010 Posters and Demos, Deadline 23 Aug

(apologies for cross-posting)

ISWC2010 - Ninth International Semantic Web Conference
November 7-11, 2010, in Shanghai, China
Posters and Demonstrations Track *Last Call* for Submissions
Strict Deadline: *August 23, 2010*

The posters and demonstrations track of ISWC 2010 continues the established
tradition of providing an interaction and connection opportunity for
researchers and practitioners to present and demonstrate their new and
innovative work-in-progress. The track gives conference attendees a way to 
learn about novel on-going research projects that might not yet be complete, 
but whose preliminary results are already interesting. The track also provides
presenters with an excellent opportunity to obtain feedback from their peers in
an informal setting from knowledgeable sources.

Full papers accepted for the Research and In-Use tracks are explicitly invited
to submit a poster or demo to the Posters and Demo track. The submission format
is the same as for the normal posters and demos but must cite the accepted full
paper and needs to include an explanation on what the Demo/Poster adds on top of
the conference presentation. Such added value could include:
a) extended results and experiments not presented in the conference paper
for space reasons,
b) a demo of a supporting prototype implementation wherever software is

Important Dates

* Abstracts due: August 23, 2010, 23:59 (11:59pm) Hawaii time
* Notification: September 13, 2010

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest for the posters and demonstrations track include, but
are not limited to:

* Semantic User Interfaces
* Interacting with Semantic Web data
* Semantic data annotation
* Semantic Data Mashup
* Natural Language Interfaces
* Semantic Visualization
* Semantic Data Processing
* Ontology modeling, reuse, extraction, and evolution
* Ontology reasoning, mapping, merging, and alignment
* Semantic Search
* Ontology evaluation
* Applications of the Semantic Web
* Semantic Web for desktops or personal information management
* Semantic Web technologies for multimedia, sensors, and situational awareness
* Semantic Web technologies for e-Science, e-Commerce, e-Government
* Semantic Web technologies for software and systems engineering
* Mobile Semantic Web Applications
* Semantic Wikis
* Social Semantic Web Applications

Submission Information

Submissions and reviewing will be handled using the EasyChair reviewing system.
Papers must be submitted via EasyChair to the Posters and Demos track of
ISWC2010 at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iswc2010
Authors must submit a four-page abstract for evaluation.
The abstract must clearly demonstrate relevance to the Semantic Web. All poster
and demo submissions will undergo a common review process, including those ones
that have full papers accepted. Decisions about acceptance will be based on
relevance to the Semantic Web, originality, potential significance, topicality
and clarity.

Submissions must be in PDF. Submissions must be formatted in the style of the
Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Submissions that exceed the page limit may be rejected without review.

For details on the LNCS style, see Springer's Author Instructions at

For demo submissions, authors are strongly encouraged to include in their
submission a link to where the demo (live or recorded video) can be found.
At least one of the authors must be a registered participant at the conference,
and attend their Poster/Demo Session to present the work. The abstracts for all
accepted posters and demos will be given to all conference attendees and published
on the conference web site, but will not be published by Springer in the printed
conference proceedings.

Metadata for all successful submissions will be included in the conference metadata
corpus and made publicly available at http://data.semanticweb.org. Detailed
information will be provided with the acceptance notification.

Poster and Demo co-chairs:
Axel Polleres
Huajun Chen

Dr. Sebastian Rudolph
senior researcher & project leader at AIFB
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
rudolph@kit.edu phone +49 721 608 - 7362
www.sebastian-rudolph.de fax +49 721 608 - 5998

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Received on Wednesday, 18 August 2010 08:07:34 UTC