CFP: Extended deadline: Workshop on MINING THE FUTURE INTERNET (MIFI2010)

!!!!!! EXTENDED DEADLINE 18th August 2010 !!!!!!!!


First International Workshop on

   Berlin, Germany
  September 20, 2010 

To be held at:
3rd Future Internet Symposium 2010 (FIS 2010)

Important Dates: 
* Submission of papers: August 18, 2010
* Notification of acceptance: August 22, 2010 
* Camera ready: August 27, 2010
* Workshop date: September 20, 2010 

The First International Workshop on Mining the Future Internet (MIFI) offers a platform for discussing algorithms and applications for probabilistic inductive inference and statistical analysis of future Internet knowledge bases, like the large amounts of Linked Data already being available.
From efficient representation, through intelligent extraction of complex features under the use of semantic technologies, up to learning complex relations and analyzing data sets built on expressive formal logics – MIFI brings together practical and theoretical research focused on statistical learning approaches that aim to contribute to the vision of the Future Internet.
More information see

We encourage participants who can contribute in the following areas:
* Information extraction, machine learning, data mining, knowledge discovery,…
semantic data, semantic web, structured data, tags, RDF, OWL, ontologies, linked data,... 
* Algorithms for mining Future Internet Knowledge Bases (FIKB)
* graph mining
* statistical relational learning
* feature vector representations and propositional learners
* matrix and graph based approaches
* kernel methods
* probabilistic inductive logic programming
* cognitive models
* learning approaches incorporating sequential and streamed data
* other probabilistic approaches suitable for FIKBs
* Applications for probabilistic inductive methods
* inductive inference on FIKBs applied e.g. to search, retrieval, analysis, prediction, recommendations
* semantic features in statistical learning
* (pre-)processing FIKBs for probabilistic learning methods
* bridging the human and data web
* trend mining approaches to FIKBs
* mining of complex relations
The above list is not exhaustive, and we welcome submissions on highly related topics, too.

Invited Talk:
Volker Tresp

Submission instructions:
We invite submission of papers: position papers, demo/short papers and full papers. Papers should refer to one of the topics listed above and have at max. 6 pages length. However, we welcome also papers referring to similar topics and describing new research directions combining the research on the Semantic Web with Machine Learning. We accept papers describing unpublished work and previously published work. Accepted submissions will be printed in the workshop online proceedings (CEUR proceedings). The best papers describing unpublished research will be selected for publication in a journal special issue (on behalf of the FIS 2010).
Please, use LNCS style to format your paper and the EasyChair login for submission (see for details).

* Achim Rettinger, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
* Olga Streibel, Freie Universität Berlin
* Jose Quesada, Max Planck Institute

Program Committee:
* Nicola Fanizzi, Università degli Studi di Bari
* Ulrike Hahn, Cardiff University
* Kristian Kersting, Fraunhofer IAIS
* Jens Lehmann, Universität Leipzig
* Matthias Nickles, Technische Universität München
* Phillip Sorg, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
* Volker Tresp, Siemens AG

Contact any of us: 

Achim Rettinger
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute AIFB
KIT - University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association

Received on Wednesday, 11 August 2010 08:07:20 UTC