Re: RedStore 0.3 released

2010/4/11 Nicholas J Humfrey <>

> >> I have released version 0.3 of RedStore:
> >>
> >>
> >> RedStore is a lightweight RDF triplestore written in C using the Redland
> >> library. It is aimed at being a quick to install and easy to use
> triplestore for people wanting to test/develop/experiment with semantic web
> technologies.
> >>
> > This is awesome.
> >
> > Question:  do you run this on localhost only, or combine it with some
> kind of dyndns technology?
> I don't fully understand your question; but hopefully this answers it.

Sorry if i was unclear, I'm just thinking that in the longer term, this
might be valuable to expose to the ouside world.  So I was wondering what
you do, but as it seems you bind to localhost, that indeed answers my

> There is currently no form of access control, so anyone who can access the
> endpoint can query/add/update and delete any data. So I would recommend that
> you firewall it/bind it to localhost:
> redstore -p 9000 -b

Yes that makes sense.  I can bind this to localhost, then allow apache to
forward requests, based on which WebID is trying to access the store.

> nick.

Received on Sunday, 11 April 2010 15:20:48 UTC