Re: how to consume linked data

Danny & All:

Of course there's been a lot of work on this subject over the years. You 
can find one nice piece on analogical reasoning here [1].

But for linked data to become useful it's important to refine our 
understanding of web architecture beginning with the language of 
resources. I'm currently working up a piece for my blog on this topic. 
Stay tuned.

That being said, I have recommended that the US and UK governments 
engage in creating a Linked Data roadmap. One essential element of that 
road map would include a lifecycle for how linked data publishers and 
linked data consumers could work towards the goals of linked data 
without the oversight of a directed authority.



cell: 703-201-9129

Danny Ayers wrote:
> The human reading online texts has a fair idea of what is and what
> isn't relevant, but how does this work for the Web of data? Should we
> have tools to just suck in any nearby triples, drop them into a model,
> assume that there's enough space for the irrelevant stuff, filter
> later?
> How do we do (in software) things like directed search without the human agent?
> I'm sure we can get to the point of - analogy -  looking stuff up in
> Wikipedia & picking relevant links, but we don't seem to have the user
> stories for the bits linked data enables. Or am I just
> imagination-challenged?
> Cheers,
> Danny.

Received on Thursday, 24 September 2009 11:40:32 UTC