modular localization of rdf vocabulary ?


I have an RDF vocabulary that I would like to localize in several
languages. Quite easy: I can give each term several rdfs:label, each
with a different language.

But if the number of supported languages grows, my RDF file will grow as
well, and every user will be penalized because they will get all the
translations while they only need one of them for each term.

My idea is to store the translation in a different file, linked with an
rdfs:seeAlso'ish property, but where I could determine beforehand which
one of the links contain the appropriate language.

My first idea was a vocabulary allowing something like:

  <> l10n:seeAlsoFr <fr.ttl> ;
     l10n:seeAlsoEn <en.ttl> ;
     l10n:seeAlsoEs <es.ttl> . # and so on...

Is there such a vocabulary out there?

My second idea was to use the vocabulary from, in a way like:

  <> rdfs:seeAlso <fr.ttl>, <en.ttl>, <es.ttl> .
  <fr.ttl> l10n:isL10nIn lingvoj:fr .
  <en.ttl> l10n:isL10nIn lingvoj:en .
  <es.ttl> l10n:isL10nIn lingvoj:es .

The advantage is that I don't have to redefine a huge lot of properties
(one per language).

What do you think is best practice?


Received on Wednesday, 10 June 2009 15:46:10 UTC