Re: SWIG F2F during W3C TPAC week, Oct 20/21 (Cannes, France)

From: "Hausenblas, Michael" <>
Subject: RE: SWIG F2F during W3C TPAC week, Oct 20/21 (Cannes, France)
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2008 13:12:14 +0200

> Peter,
> >I would be very interested in reading a full specification of 
> >N3.  Could you point me to one?
> Dunno, is 'full' enough?
> Cheers,
> 	Michael

In a word, "non".  In two words, ....  (You probably don't want to know.)

Can I take that document and reliably implement N3?  Perhaps I could
implement a tool that takes an N3 document and produces a related RDF
graph although I'm doubtful of even that.  However, I believe that there
is no chance that I (or anyone else) could use solely that document to
implement reliable reasoning in N3 or to develop a formal meaning for

I produced a longer review of the document soon after it came out. The
reivew is available at

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research

Received on Monday, 1 September 2008 11:59:39 UTC