Re: How do you deprecate URIs? Re: OWL-DL and linked data

2008/6/10 Bernard Vatant <>:
> On my side I want to keep track of those URIs at, if only for
> backward compatibility, and to acknowledge the pioneering work of Earle in
> this domain. :-)

Thanks for the praise. :-) Maybe I should have just replied on-list.

For context to readers, I suggested originally that Bernard remove the
owl:sameAs links to my URIs, and that I added owl:sameAs links
pointing to his. But that approach doesn't work, when I think about
it; I still need to deprecate my URIs. Looking at the OWL reference, I
can see owl:incompatibleWith; but the documentation states this is a
backward-looking property, so doesn't seem appropriate in this case.

قبائلَ صوتي – على صمتها
Earle Martin |

Received on Wednesday, 11 June 2008 00:03:15 UTC