Re: Semantic web discussions

Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
> Do people think we should have a separate semantic-web-announcements  or 
> sem-web-cfp list?

My 2 cents on that:

- would be nice to have some sort of shared calendar where to put CFPs 
and conference dates. Not sure is possible with GoogleCalendar, but 
would be nice. Also a "semantic" application for the management of this 
kind of advertising would be interesting (using SWRC for instance). I am 
thinking to the way many people usually check conferences around the 
world: they periodically write the dates in a calendar and then decide 
where to go from a calendar view.

- CFPs and similar posts could reamin in the SW mailing list, but their 
posting could be improved by very simply establishing a common prefix in 
the Subject, like "[CFP]". This way we could accomodate both who read 
such type of posts together with the rest, and who prefer to filter.


Marco Brandizi <>

NET Project - Software Engineer

European Bioinformatics Institute
Hinxton, CB10 1SD, United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0)1223 494 613
Fax: +44 (0)1223 494 468

Received on Thursday, 17 May 2007 08:43:44 UTC