CORRECTION: [Linking-open-data] Terminology Question concerning Web Architecture and Linked Data

Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> Sandro,
> Yes, but what is a non-information resource :-) This is the problem. 
> Something that is technically right (i.e. the opposite of an information 
> resource) but a poor vehicle of communication when articulating 
> identifying and dereferencing distributed objects connected by the Web Bus.
> Generic Resource or Data Resource provide a cleaner description of 
> something that isn't ready for Web Bus traversal in it's basic form.
> This matter is just about terminology that enables us build a bridge 
> from the core Semantic Web community, out to the broader Web Communities.
> Here are some Links that dig into this issue of non-information resource 
> terminology:
> 1.  (uses: 
> Generic Resource)
The link should have been:



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President & CEO 
OpenLink Software     Web:

Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2007 16:26:29 UTC