Re: Google Base and the Semantic Web

I've updated the link [1] -- we had a problem with our Apache rewrite 
rules that wouldn't let ".py" files be served as attachments!

Note that I doubt that the code will be of much use -- all the clever 
parts are elsewhere and it's really not complete yet. My main 
concentration has been encoding into RSS/XML like so [2] (not valid XML 
right now because I haven't sorted out namespace issues) but I'll be 
back to getting proper RDF out soon.

In terms of BlogMatrix, this means allowing the transformation of the 
underlying structured data into meaningful RDF URIs.

I thought I'd mention here that I'm offering a bounty (with Danny Ayers) 
for someone to put proper N3 generation into RDFlib [3], in case you 
have some free time on your hands or know someone who does.

Regards, etc...


Elias Torres wrote:
> I'm really happy to see the work on Atom/OWL put to use by others. I saw
> a .py file in one of your posts but I got a 404. Would you mind sharing
> that with the world? I'd love to have a service on my site to convert
> Atom feeds to RDF for SPARQL demos.
> -Elias
> David Janes -- BlogMatrix wrote:
>> I've been writing about the Google Base data model, made some
>> suggestions for generalization and improvements, and note how it could
>> be used as a Semantic Web "language" [1]. Our particular interest is
>> based on using structured blogging to produce data in addition to HTML
>> from blogging tools [2][3].
>> Regards, etc...
>> David Janes
>> Founder, BlogMatrix
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]

Received on Tuesday, 18 July 2006 11:54:58 UTC