"here" and "now" as constants

Previously (Dec 18 2006 - 4:24pm ) I said
(Re: Can there be a URI for the concepts "I", "you", "this", "it", "here", 
"there", "now", etc.? )

The "i:" prefix indicates an instance of a concept.
In other words "here", "there", "now" are constants,
which you might say is not correct,
but is OK in the current version of MKE.

I should have explained in more detail what I meant.
I definitely do consider "here" and "now" to be
context-dependent variables.
My MKE program can handle that.
The choice to treat "here" and "now" as constants
is a quick and dirty way to avoid the complexity
of dealing with their context-dependence.
It requires only a minor change in declarations
in the MKR language.

As variables, which have individual context-dependent values,
they are declared as
    here iss space; now iss space;
As constants, which ARE individual values, they are
declared as
    here isu space; now isu time;
(As an aside, the MKR verb "isa" does not distinguish
between "iss" and "isu".)

Dick McCullough
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;

Received on Saturday, 23 December 2006 14:08:51 UTC