WordNet in RDF

Hi, my name is Alvaro Graves, I'm working on my MS in the University of 
Chile. My thesis consists in a RDF Representation of WordNet and to 
create some application over it.

Currently I have parsed almost the entire wordnet 2.0 relations to RDF. 
The schema I created was based in one you had in 

I would appreciate a lot if you could check  my schema and files of 
wordnet and give me your comments.

The URI is http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~agraves/wordnet/index.html

Thanks in advance for your time



Alvaro Andres Graves Fuenzalida
Email: agraves [@] dcc.uchile.cl | alvaro.graves [@] gmail.com
Ingeniero Civil en Computacion - Universidad de Chile
Estudiante de magister - Universidad de Chile

Received on Monday, 30 May 2005 16:49:49 UTC