Semantic Technology in San Francisco March 7-10


I'm guessing that many of this list's subscribers may already know, but the
first annual Semantic Technology conference is coming up in San Francisco on
March 7-10.  Full details can be found here: and
I've pasted the featured speakers below.



David Provost


Featured Speakers:

Jim Hendler, Professor, University of Maryland and Director of Semantic Web
and Agent Technology at the Maryland Information and Network Dynamics
Laboratory University of Maryland (Talk: Introduction to the Semantic Web)

Dave Hollander, Chief Technology Officer, Contivo, Inc. (Talk: Implementing
Canonical Models in Your Organization)

Eric Miller, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead (Opening Keynote: The Semantic
Web is Here)

Peter Norvig, Director of Search Quality, Google (Keynote Presentation: The
Future of Search)

Doug Lenat, President and CEO, Cycorp (Keynote Presentation: Six Degrees of

Dave McComb, President, Semantic Arts, (Talk: Semantics 101)

Received on Friday, 4 February 2005 16:46:16 UTC