GovTrack data accessible with Sparql-over-Http

Following on Kjetil's post about a Sparql interface to 
data, I've set up a similar Sparql-over-Http interface to GovTrack's data.

A web form is here:

You can access the data following the SPARQL Protocol spec over HTTP here:

The GovTrack [1] data has around 10 million triples containing census 
data for U.S. locations (including lat/long), brief biographical data 
for all members of Congress, and mainly data for federal legislation and 
voting records going back five years.

The SPARQL interface is powered by Ryan Levering's engine (designed for 
SESAME but usable independently) [2], plus my SemWeb library for C# [3]. 
The data store is persisted in MySQL. Responses are limited to 1000 rows 
in the hopes that having this public won't break anything.  :)

And of course feedback is welcome.


- Joshua Tauberer

** Nothing Unreal Exists **

Received on Monday, 5 December 2005 22:21:43 UTC