Re: Rule-based approach to conclude owl:intersectionOf

Oh I am really sorry.. I'm always dreaming, the 2nd time making such kind of 
mistake... -_-

the 5 facts should be..

<#A> rdf:type <#X> .
<#B> rdf:type <#X> , <#Y> .
<#C> rdf:type <#X> , <#Z> .


<#X> rdfs:subClassOf <#Y> , <#Z> .


<#X> owl:intersectionOf ( <#Y> , <#Z> ) .


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Purcell" <>
To: "Jeremy Wong 黃泓量" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: Rule-based approach to conclude owl:intersectionOf

> Here is an example of the situation...
> # only5 facts in total
> <#X> rdf:type <#A> .
> <#Y> rdf:type <#A> , <#B> .
> <#Z> rdf:type <#A> , <#C> .
> =>
> # conclusion of the 5 facts
> <#X> rdfs:subClassOf <#Y> , <#Z> .

This doesn't make any sense. #X is of type #A -- how do you then
conclude that #X is a class? Or that it is related to #Y in any way?

Did you mean the following?

<#X> owl:unionOf ( <#A> )
<#Y> owl:unionOf ( <#A>, <#B> )
<#Z> owl:unionOf ( <#A>, <#C> )


Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2005 13:17:32 UTC