Fwd: Open-Transactions: video walkthru!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fellow Traveler <f3llowtraveler@gmail.com>
Date: 25 August 2011 11:08
Subject: Open-Transactions: video walkthru!
To: agile-banking@googlegroups.com

Hi everybody!

I made a video walkthrough of Open-Transactions.
(Using the "Moneychanger" test-GUI available here:

It includes demos of OT nyms and contracts, issuing a currency,
opening accounts, and using financial instruments (including cheques
and untraceable cash).
There's also some Bitcoin discussion, and a demo of the new Market
screen on Moneychanger.

===>  First video:   http://vimeo.com/28141679
===>  Second video:  http://vimeo.com/28142096

I hope you enjoy!

Your friend,


Bitcoin donation address for Open-Transactions:

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Received on Thursday, 25 August 2011 09:56:47 UTC