Re: Request to publish HTML+RDFa (draft 3) as FPWD

Jonas wrote:
> Depends on what you mean by "This would only clarify what DOM-based
> implementations should do and would not require implementations to use
> a DOM to be viewed as a conformant RDFa processor".
> I don't think you want to exclude HTML implementations that don't use
> a DOM for example.

Yes, agreed.

Maciej wrote:
> Making special DOM-only processing rules that don't otherwise apply
> would be bad, so I hope that's not what Manu is proposing.

That's not what I'm proposing. Hopefully the spec text I'm going to
write and all of you are going to help refine will be able to be precise
without requiring us to special-case processing rules that apply only to
DOM or only to XOM. It /could/ say that if you're using DOM Level 2
based environment, then you should ensure that criteria A, B and C are
met, or if you are using an Infoset-based parser (XOM) that criteria X,
Y and Z are met.

Henri and I had a very productive 90+ minute voice discussion this
morning about these issues and I learned a great deal about some points
that were either not mentioned, or I had not picked up on at all via
this (or other) mailing list threads. I think we were able to agree on a
way forward, Henri has kindly summarized our discussion here:

I'm going to attempt to write spec text for Scenario A (outlined in the
e-mail above). The first draft is going to be very rough and will need
further work, but I hope that Jonas, Henri, Maciej, Boris, and the RDFa
TF will help refine the ideas over time.

I'm currently working with Philip to see how we can integrate his tests
into the RDFa Test Suite.

Ben, could you please add an agenda item to the RDFa Task Force telecon
so that we can discuss this on Thursday?

* Adding Precision for DOM Level 2 and Infoset-based processing models

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Pirate Bay and Building an Equitable Culture

Received on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 17:48:14 UTC