New RDFa demo - calendar data

Hi all,

DanC and I had a good hacking session today, as we discussed what  
parts of RDFa can be made to work *right now*. Elias Torrez, creator  
of the hCal-to-GoogleCalendar greasemonkey script, even dropped by to  
give us a hand.

The result is pretty cool. We added some new hacks, like the use of  
data: URIs to let Javascript convert RDFa to ical locally, all within  
the browser. Here's the demo:

1) get the bookmarklet:

It's called "GetCal", and it's the 3rd one.

2) go to the demo page:

3) invoke the bookmarklet
Notice the two icons that just appeared.
a) the little clock gives you an ical link that automatically brings  
up outlook or iCal.
b) the Google Calendar button sends you to your Google Calendar,  
letting you add the event automatically.

The next step is to build a Creative-Commons-like HTML generator for  
an event. Just use the nifty web UI to describe your event, then  
click "Generate", then get a chunk of HTML you can cut and paste into  
your blog.


PS: timezones are not handled well yet.

Received on Friday, 28 April 2006 01:33:37 UTC