Minutes from PEWG meeting at TPAC 14 September 2023

Dear all,

with apologies for the delay, the minutes from the last PEWG meeting 
(hybrid at TPAC last week) are available here 
https://www.w3.org/2023/09/14-pointerevents-minutes.html and copied below:

14 September 2023



flackr, mustaq, Patrick_H_Lauke, plh, smaug

Chair: Patrick H. Lauke
Scribe: Patrick_H_Lauke

* Presentation/demos submitted to 

* Review outstanding v3-blocker issues 

* Clarify pointerleave and pointerout events when first pointer move 
after removing an element under the pointer w3c/pointerevents#477

* Meta-issue: update WPT to cover Pointer Events Level 3 

* Next steps for the spec

* update to editors/former editors

# Presentation/demos submitted to 

Patrick: was good experience to put the slides/demos together, to 
rationalise some use cases myself

Patrick: had interesting discussion with somebody on mastodon about "if 
we have getCoalescedEvents(), why do we need pointerrawupadte?@

Patrick: and that made me think of situations where you MAY want to 
react to things quickly. but for drawing applications they're probably 
both solving the same situation. May be worth putting a note in the spec 
explaining some use cases

<smaug> WICG/scheduling-apis#67

Olli: don't know if you've seen this scheduling issue. can you comment 
on the issue where pointerrawupdate is handled in Blink?

# Review outstanding v3-blocker issues 

# Clarify pointerleave and pointerout events when first pointer move 
after removing an element under the pointer w3c/pointerevents#477

mustaq: I think we can close this one. made a suggestion for interop/wpt

Rob: path forward on this. we've updated the WPT, submitted a patch in 

Rob: this requires changes in Firefox and Safari as well

Rob: Firefox, when node is removed, it's like you're over no node 
anymore. this is a change from that behaviour

Rob: chrome used to match previous (?) Safari behaviour where it was 
trying to remember the previous node

Rob: we don't have interop right now, but planned fix will match 
developer expectation

Patrick: do we close this issue? or do we wait until we do have interop?

Olli: what happens with shadow DOM, where you remove the content of a 
slot and it falls back to default slot content

Rob: the implicit node is the parent, but on the next movement you're in 
the new default content that is shown

Olli: mouse is over slotted element, remove that...store the parent. 
then it goes to the slot, but that doesn't have a box, but then it gets 
content on next paint...

Rob: ... on the next move you need to fire the event on the default 
content that went back into the slot

<mustaq> Chrome work in progress, we expect to send out an intent to 
ship in a few weeks.

# Meta-issue: update WPT to cover Pointer Events Level 3 

Patrick: still have 5 issues open

Mustaq: I started work on #411

Olli: worked on #390 - will need manual testing

Patrick: any blockers/problems/ideas/suggestions for any other ones that 
are still open


Mustaq: #474, do we still leave the issue open here as well?

Rob: it should be possible to do a test? we don't have a test yet?

Rob: we could at least get it tested. no browser is currently 
implementing it correctly...

Patrick: what about #318?

Olli: this was discussed last time, we should have test soon

Patrick: last one is #300 ...

Olli: this should also be easy to test. I think Firefox may not pass 
this ... or maybe it does?

# Next steps for the spec

Plh: I opened an issue - wide review for pointer events. It's 
autopublishing (latest version is august 31st)

Plh: we need to notify all groups and horizontal reviews. Horizontal 
reviews need to do issues in 5 different repositories, but these are all 
listed in that issue

Plh: we will not receive review from security, because it's broken. it 
will time out

Plh: ... who knows what we get with privacy, and what we get for 

Plh: we're probably looking at a month or two for that

Plh: another subject: charter. i started the call for you two weeks ago

Plh: question if we wanted to go for living standard after v3 or not

Patrick: I seem to remember we discussed this ages ago, and the 
conclusion was that it didn't matter either way in that we can always 
decide to go for it, or not

Plh: correct. just wondering if we forgot about this when submitting 
charter renewal

Patrick: fairly sure we discussed this and said "whatever is easiest"

Plh: would be good to find minutes where we did say this, and link from 
the issue just so we can find that decision again

ACTION: Patrick to review past minutes to find the ones where we decided 
about living standard yes or no

Plh: actually, found the minutes, and seems we leant towards going for 
living standard. So our charter extension does not quite reflect that, 
but we can fix it later

Patrick: so from discussions with PLH we can already ask for wide review 
before WPTs are all done. are we all happy with this?

Patrick: anybody against the idea?

Patrick: [no objections]

<mustaq> LGTM

# update to editors/former editors

Rob: wondering about whether this should be updated, as it still shows 
Navid as co-editor but he has not been involved over the last year(s)?

Patrick: I think when I first floated this, Navid was concerned/wanted 
to remain visible since coalesced events were his big contribution (if i 
remember correctly). I'm easy either way. Should we move him to former 

Patrick: [group agrees]

ACTION: update editors/former editors

Patrick H. Lauke

https://www.splintered.co.uk/ | https://github.com/patrickhlauke
https://flickr.com/photos/redux/ | https://www.deviantart.com/redux
https://mastodon.social/@patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Monday, 18 September 2023 18:06:08 UTC