Minutes from Pointer Events WG call 1 April 2020

Dear all,

minutes from today's call are available on 
https://www.w3.org/2020/04/01-pointerevents-minutes.html and copied below:

01 Apr 2020

smaug, patrick_h_lauke, NavidZ
Patrick H. Lauke
Patrick H. Lauke
- Change the type of click, auxclick, and contextmenu to PointerEvent 
- Add secure context criteria to pointerrawupdate and getCoalescedEvents 
- add altitudeAngle/azimuthAngle 
Summary of Action Items
Summary of Resolutions
<scribe> Scribe: Patrick H. Lauke

<NavidZ_> I'm trying to join

<NavidZ_> +NavidZ

- Change the type of click, auxclick, and contextmenu to PointerEvent 
Navid: chrome was going to do it now, but fear of breaking things, so 
we're holding off for now

in future, once we enable and get some compat data, we can take it forward

- Add secure context criteria to pointerrawupdate and getCoalescedEvents 
Navid: similar, we're waiting for Chrome to enable to get data, then we 
can see

Olly: sounds good, and we wouldn't want to make the change in Firefox at 
this point in time either

- add altitudeAngle/azimuthAngle 
Patrick: it appears i got myself confused with the twist aspect, but i 
see somebody (from google team) reviewed the maths

Navid: looking at tilt direction, we need agreement on which way the Y 
axis goes - looking at the graphics in spec, it seems that Y axis points 
up, but it should point down, and that seems consistent with data we get 

Patrick: testing in chrome on surface, galaxy note 2, wacom, the webgl 
demo i use works consistently. i think graphic in 
https://w3c.github.io/pointerevents/ is misleading

wording already says "A positive tiltY is towards the user"

Navid: need agreement on when pen is lying [essentially flat on plane, 
pointing to 3 o'clock]

Patrick: that would be azimuth 0. and then going clockwise, it increases 
up to 2 PI



(further discussion on specific aspects/clarifications about 
clockwise/counter-clockwise, specific situations/edge cases)


<NavidZ_> This is the test for azimuth and altitude of touch events

Navid: should we just release the first part of the pull request that 
adds those values, but iterate further on the explanation of how to convert

Patrick: let's just release in one go. I'll spend more time refining 
this/making sure it matches reality

Navid: touch events has those values too, but it seems no browser 
implemented them

does Firefox plan to support?

nobody seems to support these

Olly: maybe we should remove them then

Patrick: I thought Safari support it (maybe just on iPad Pro)

can we find out who/when it was added to the Touch Events spec?

I#'ll investigate further

Olly: navid when testing tiltX/tiltY, were you also testing old Edge how 
it behaved?

Patrick: from my testing at the time (with the webgl demo) old Edge 
behaved consistently

<smaug> https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkitjs/touch


(exploring who originally added the variables to TE)

Patrick: i'll investigate (possibly through contacts that have an actual 
iPad Pro + Pencil) what the situation is (as Rick Byers added those 
properties to TE, I assume it's because they were actually exposed "in 
the wild" and he didn't just make them up). Desire is to have the 
matching ones in PE to be exactly the same, essentially, so there's no 
conversion needed unnecessarily when going from TE model to PE model for 

If nothing else to discuss, I'd say let's close call for now. I'll carry 
on iterating over the pull request for azimuth/altitude, check the 
maths, add prose for edge cases (e.g. perpendicular) and check my 
clockwise/counterclockwise wording etc. Next call should be in 2 weeks.

Patrick H. Lauke

https://www.splintered.co.uk/ | https://github.com/patrickhlauke
https://flickr.com/photos/redux/ | https://www.deviantart.com/redux
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Wednesday, 1 April 2020 15:49:11 UTC