Tests for asynchronous events (10.2, 11.2)

Hi folks.

I am very doubt by tests of asyncronoun events.

According specification of pointer events got/lostpointercapture events
should be async.

But latest changes made something, which was confusing me:

After this changes we can find that test execute setPointerCapture (or
releasePointerCapture) and
after that timer is setted for changing isAsync to true. Also we can find
that on gotpointercapture event

(or on lostpointercaptere event) tests checks isAsync.

In what sequence this items should be executed?
Timer with (isAsync = true) at first. And after this gotpointercapture
should be fired.

Opposite. gotpointercapture should be fired at first, And only about this
Timer with (isAsync = true)

There is specification for timers:

I can assume that current version of tests are incorrect.

And author of changes notifyed that IE didn't pass tests:

At this point, if tests are incorrect, then tests should be changed for
correct state.

I can propose to delete creating timer and simply only set isAsync to true
after setPointerCapture (releasePointerCapture)

Please, let me know your opinion.

Thanks, Maksim Lebedev.

Received on Sunday, 24 August 2014 08:34:23 UTC