[announce] Feb 11 Pointer Events WebKit implementation event in Mountain View

Hi All,

This is a FYI regarding a tweet I saw yesterday about a Feb 11 event in 
Mountain View:


Join Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc., engineers hack away on emerging 
Web standards that will make your Web app touch, pen and mouse friendly.

Building modern, responsive Web apps that scale across a variety of 
devices and support multiple input types is no longer just about touch. 
You have to consider touch, mouse, pen, gestures ...

In support to the work done at the W3C Pointer Events Working Group, MS 
Open Tech published a Pointer Events prototype 
(<http://aka.ms/PointerEventsWebkitPrototypeBlog>) for WebKit on 

Let's try out this open source prototype with your code to see how 
things work!

-AB (@afbarstow)

Received on Thursday, 7 February 2013 12:56:44 UTC